Oh, this is me, by the way - Chris O'Connor. Tim has been sent an invitation to post on this Blog so maybe we'll hear from him too. He is much more computer literate than me, so adding pictures will be a breeze for him.
Note the receeding hairline. I'm not all that excited about this. But what can you do? Life is precious and focusing on trivial things is a tremendous waste of time and energy. With that said...I wonder if hair transplants would work? :-)
Thanks for your continued help Chris I really appreciate it.
I should tell everyone they can see the picture in a larger view by double clicking on the picture. I think tina is very beautiful and she reminds me of the famous Greek Opera Star Maria Callas.
Christopher stop worring about your hair some men are very handsome without their hair. I am not sure that will include you but it might give you something to look forward to anyway.
hahahaha! You jackass.
Why couldn't I take after you and have a full head of hair?
The most intelligent men have high foreheads (some higher than others). Dense people have reletivley low foreheads (I can remember your father trying to shave his back a little; but, even that didn't work) L O L
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