Tuesday, August 30, 2005

To those who might want to know

This subject may not be of interest to most of you but I thought I would express it for those whom may have wondered where I stand on certain issues.  First off I stand well to the right politically but not all the way. I am certainly a conservative when it comes time to vote but I don’t agree with all the things the Republican (conservatives) say. It is a matter of the lesser of two evils as sad as that may be. We live in a less than perfect world and one must do as much as he can to make it better. I am not for standing by and doing nothing. I use my vote even if I am not totally happy with the platform of the candidates.

I am not looking for political conversations but rather simply offering you my position so that you know where I stand. Obviously I could go on but that is not the purpose of this post. I am a staunch believer in our system of government. If I could change anything about our system it would be to take out of it those things that do not pertain to a limited government machine. Our government machine has a long way to go.


Well the hurricane didn’t even send a little wind our way. It sure did do a lot of damage in the states it did hit. We will probably not know the full extent of the damage for weeks. The pictures don’t look good.

I am bored. Need something to do that’s different. Can’t read another book so don’t suggest that. TV is played out also. I have watched all the reruns and caught shows I didn’t see the first time around. I have come to really enjoy CSI. Love to see the way they solve for the evidence. Exciting stuff, I’ll have to admit I like Marge and Jorja on Vegas CSI.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Category 5 = Complete Destruction

Hurricane Katrina was supposed to be a mid-level storm, but things have changed for the worse. Living in Florida sure has it's ups and downs, and during hurricane season we get to experience the downside up close and personal.

Category 5 means winds in excess of 155 mph. Katrina seems to be directing her wrath at the Louisiana coast, but who knows if she will continue on this path or turn towards the Tampa Bay area. If we ever get a direct hit of a Category 5 storm our area will be destroyed almost completely.

Last year was the worst year for hurricanes since I came to Florida over 20 years ago. Four hurricanes in a matter of a single month was more than anyone could have expected. I remember being outside during one struggling to stay on my feet when the gusts got up to 90 mph. I can only imagine 160 mph winds. Most of the smaller aircraft I've flown in keep aloft at much lower speeds.

It will be interesting to see how things pan out over the next day or so. I'm happy to see we're being spared, but have to worry for those sitting in Katrina's direct path. "Katrina" - what a sweet name...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Chris has joined me

Wow! How about that first post by Chris? He says he is always right but that can’t be true. I am the one who is always right. Oh well this should prove to be interesting.  I am using my oxygen as much as possible but I can’t notice any difference.  

Chris O'Connor checking in....

Howdy folks! This is Chris O'Connor speaking. My father has authorized me to make posts directly to his Blog so you'll hear from me now and then. Feel free to make comments, but please understand that I'm always right and you're wrong by default. LOL

Saturday, August 20, 2005

One and all

Howdy one and all. Well they are home and they had a wonderful time. It will take days to learn all about the trip. I went over for a wonderful meal on Friday night and Ilena was there also. Tina is a great cook. Chris is loving that. They havn't printed the pictures yet but they got me a hand painted pictures of the Parthenon. I love it.

Today I am taking my grand-daughters to see the movie Valiant. Heard good things about it. Emily is doing girl scouts till 2pm so we will have to wait for the 4:45pm showing.

I am using the oxygen generator as my doctor advised me to do. I only use the one at home. I hate using it but the doctor suggested I start right away and use it every day. She said it is for all my organs because they need oxygen and I am not suppling enough without the machine I don't breath to pretty good. lololo to say the least. Just didn't want to admit that I needed it.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Chris and Tina get home today

I can't wait to hear all about their trip and I sure have missed Chris. I took care of the cat (Mangelini). Of course he had many others taking care of him also. Tin's sister Lena and one of her girl friends, Rachael and her husband John. That cat received lots of lovin this weeks. I am about to go to the airport to pick them up. Can't wait........ I have to wait...........

Tim and I went to dinner several times this week and the girls are back in school and doing well. Emily is reading like a 3 grader not a 1st grader. She certainly must get that from me......LOLOLOL

Her mom is an ardent reader and they both encourage her. She also like to imitate her big sister with everything. What a joy watching them grow up.

I hope all of you are well.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Some Bad Luck this past week

The electrical power in my building was hit by lightning and I have been without power since Monday. Power just came back on as of 2:45pm today. Everything in the freezer and refrigerator was lost. I checked on my birds each day and gave them fresh food and of course water. They did very well. I was able to stay at Chris and Tina's place as I took them to the airport tuesday morning for their trip to Greece. They have called and emailed and they are having a great time. Tina speaks fluent Greek and they are getting along very well.

It will take a couple of days for me to settle back in and I will have to go to the store for all new food.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Rehab is going well

My rehabilitation is going well. Takes about an hour 3 times a week and I'll have to admit I needed it. What horrible shape I am in.

Chris and Tina are leaving for Greece tomorrow and how I do envy them. That is going to be a great trip. They are also going to Santarini and they are staying at a hotel just above the caldera that makes up the center of the island. Scientist have been looking into this caldera these past few years and there may be interesting breaking news about what's at the bottom of it. We'll just have to wait and see.

Have a great day!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Too early to tell

Well it’s way too early to tell if the rehabilitation is working but I can tell you this. I am sore all over and if that’s any sign….it’s working. This is not a complaint…..I am so out of shape that any exercise will be meaningful. I believe the, incidents of falling these past 3 years has been more as a result of the atrophy of my muscles than anything else. I am very hopeful this forced exercise is going to improve that a lot.

By the way, I want to re-emphasize the reading of the recommended book “The World is flat” by T. L. Friedman. What a great book. Read it and you will at once understand the real need for the US to be doing business with the many companies around the world. This is truly an in-depth, well researched and enlightening book. Please someone read it so that we can exchange ideas on what you have read.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Good results

One of my many doctors called today to tell me the results of the 3 test I took about a week and a half ago. They all showed good results. No spreading of the cancer and the spot on the lung has gone down and we will check it again in another month or so. The spot on the PONS in my brain seems to be as a result of high per tension or could have been caused by a fall and it is not cancer. I can’t tell you how elated I am. One of my doctors has said if the lesion on my lung doesn’t go away completely, he will go in and remove it. The incision would be through a couple of my ribs and not very intrusive.

Yesterday was the beginning of my rehabilitation and I can feel it today, a good feeling though. I will go every other day and maybe I’ll start feeling better physical soon.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Another day

Today I began a twelve week rehabilitation program at the VA. They use a heart monitor during the workout to make sure all is okay. Looks like a good program to me. I will let you know later.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Long time no see!

Where have all of you been? I have missed you. I have only one excuse and it's not much of one at that. I am sometimes very lazy. I seem to lose my energy and I don't want to talk about the same old things.

Everything with me is good. Of course it is changing everyday but for now that is all I know.

Weather here is atrocious. Hotter than hell and muggggggeeeeeeei. I don't breath to pretty good when it's muggy so I stay in air conditioned buildings, mainly my housa. The sun shines a lot but this is the season for afternoon rains, and of course we are the lightning capital of the world. Adds a little extra excitment to each day.

I now have XM radio on my computer and I love it. Over 100 stations to chose from, it's great. I can listen while I compute, not bad ehhh?

It's the selections that I enjoy. No mater what your preferences are you can find it on XM. What ever mood you will find the music you like. I have started reading in the office where the computer is so that I can play the background music on XM while I read. It's great. Let me know how you are doing. Make a comment. sign your comment and send it anonymous. Strange as that sounds it is the easiest way. Otherwise if you don't scroll down and sign it, it won't record the comment. Looking forward to hearing from you.