Saturday, March 11, 2006

Heads Up information

Landed in the hospital last Sunday night with a breathing problem. Stayed there for 2 days and all is well again. They are going to be looking closely to figure this out but just now there is no prognosis. Of course I have emphysema as most of you know and I have been treated for Lung cancer but the sudden lost of breathing capacity is a real problem that we will have to figure out. I will go on a nebulizer machine about 4 times per day for about 5 minutes and that may be all I need. I will keep you informed.

Chris took me to the VA yesterday and spent an entire day wheeling me around from office to office because I am still unable to walk on my own from the sprained ankles and swollen knees. He has been a life saver for me and I would be in big trouble without him.

I feel so much better today.

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