Friday, April 07, 2006

My last guestion didn't work

I thought I would get some responses to my guestion "which Democratic would you like to see as the next President" There was not even one response. Of course there may be many reasons for that, such as not wanting to go out on a limb. Cowards......or perhaps you actually couldn't find one to put all your cards with. Now that I couldn't blame you for. Oh well, it was just a foolish game I was playing anyway. I was really hoping to get some conversation going with someone using my blog but thats not happening. Maybe I will stop using this blog anyway. Right now I have other more important things on my mind.


Anonymous said...

I think the problem you're having is the exact same one MOST Bloggers have. If you don't publish posts at least every other day you will never have readers. People have logged in to your Blog and 9 times out of 10 there is nothing new posted. So they quit coming here.

Besides only had a potential reader base of about 10 people, right? And most of them are not Internet users. Or at least they don't spend a great deal of time where logging in to your Blog could be a daily ritual.

I like reading your Blog. Maybe you can send out email reminders when you have new posts?

Unknown said...

OK.Dennis Kucinich.Only person with any good truthful ides of his own.