Friday, July 06, 2007

Dad at the VA nursing home

Hello everyone. This is Chris posting. My father is now living at the VA Nursing Home. He has been there for several weeks and will probably be there for at least another few weeks.

I'm going to start using this Blog to keep all of you in the loop as to his health status. It can be difficult to relay the same information by telephone to lots of people every few days. This Blog should do the trick so please check back often if you are interested in learning about how he is doing.

Please post comments! All comments will be printed out and given to my father on a daily basis. Obviously, nothing beats an occaisonal phone call, so please feel free to give him a call whenever the mood strikes. He cannot make long distance calls from his room, but we're looking into fixes for that problem. We might get him a prepaid calling card or figure out how to bill long distance calls to his home phone. But as of right now you will have to call him. I strongly suggest you don't call before 9:00 am or after 8:30 pm. I'm not going to post his phone number here, so ask for it through email if you don't currently have it.

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