Saturday, April 23, 2005

Treatments begin Wednesday

I was notified that my radiation treatments will begin on this coming Wednesday. Can't get started any too quickly for me. I will post on Wednesday for sure if they tell me anything worth passing on. I believe the treatment will last about 30-35 days. I will receive a treatment 5 times a week for 6-7 weeks. If they get it all I would like to have my heart surgery in the fall.

I corrected the video file for Bobby. It wouldn't open and it was my fault.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you on Wednesday. :)

Anonymous said...

You need to post some more Dad! I stop by all the time and you haven't said anything in several days. I depend on you for my entertainment!


Anonymous said...

Same as Chris !

Uncle Ciggie (Jacks alter ego)

Anonymous said...

I wanna know who Uncle Ciggie is!? Do I know him? hmmm...