Sunday, May 08, 2005

Who has the most crude oil in the world?

Answer: In the order of quantity
1 Saudi Arabia
2 Iraq
3 Kuwait
4 United Arab Emirates
5 Iran
6 Venezuela
7 Russia
8 Mexico
9 Libya
10 US
If that is true what does this mean?????
Why the hell aren't we making a deal with our neighbor instead of these fools in the middle east who want to kill all of us?????
Interesting ehh?


John Burgess said...

There are a couple of answers to that: price and quality.

Production costs per barrel of oil in the ME are significantly lower than elsewhere. In Saudi Arabia, for instance, it can cost as little as $0.50 to raise a barrel of crude. In Mexico or Canada, the cost can be as much as $6.00/barrel.

Quality is determined by how much stuff, other than petroleum, is in the crude. The more stuff--like sulphur--that has to be removed, the more expensive it is to refine. Canadian crude is very "sour", with lots of sulphur in it, thus expense to convert to gasoline. Arabian Extra Light, though, has almost no impurities and is much easier/cheaper to refine.

If you're interested in what's going on in Saudi Arabia--including oil production and political and social reform--you're invited to visit my blog Crossroads Arabia

John O'Connor said...

Well, good to hear from you. It sounds like you are a person with the background to know the facts regarding this issue. However, You make statements about the cost of taking oil from the ground in Canada and the cost to take oil from the ground in Saudia Arabia that you didn't verify. I also feel there are important issues other than quality and cost that must be considered here. This will not be a short dialog which answers the many questions in one comment. I am tired of hearing that the Saudia's are our friends. I hear contrary information which I will be more than happy to recite and quote. But as I said this will not be a short dialog. If your interested in discussing this with just one person like myself, have at it. I will look forward to hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

I've tried to keep an open mind and consider the Saudi's as our allies, but history and current events weave a different tale. Almost all of the 9-11 terrorists were from Saudi, and as of today we are learning that most of the terrorism currently happening in Iraq is by educated middle-class Saudi's. Something is happening in that culture to breed hatred towards the US and we have to do something about it.

So what do we do? We're currently propping up their economy by purchasing so much oil from them. What would they fall back on if we eventually found either an alternative energy source or supplier? What other major industries, besides oil, do they offer the markets of the world? The entire Middle East is filled with tyrants, terrorists and fanatics becoming filthy rich because they sit on top of vast oil fields. They would tumble if we pulled the rug out from under them...and maybe we should.

I don't fault the Saudi people, but someone in Saudi is indeed to blame. So whom do we go after? The Saud family? What are we supposed to do? Sit back and do nothing? Saudi Arabia is a breeding ground for extremists that think it is Allah's will to kill infidels as often as possible.

I spent a few hours reading the Quran today and am absolutely appalled. I'm tired of hearing that Islam is a religion of peace. Nonsense. "Islam" means "Submission," and not "peace." Islam teaches violence, hatred, murder, and torture and all without mercy. Infidels, or nonbelievers, are to be killed. It is NOT a sin to kill an unbeliever.

Islam scares the hell out of me. Have you watched any of the beheading videos? These bastards are getting paid about $500 - $1500 per "slaughter." The hostage takers bring the hostages to the killers and the killers slice their heads off with large knifes while the hostages scream in fear and pain. Religion of peace? I think not. Islam is evil.

Why doesn't this happen under Christianity? Oh, we get the rare moron that bombs an abortion clinic, but their fellow Christians swiftly deal them with. We punish extremists in the US. The Saudi's actually reward the extremists financially. Oh, and Islam/Quran says they will be rewarded in heaven for their good deeds. Peace? My ass. The Quran actually tells them they will be rewarded in heaven if they die while killing infidels.

Oh, and chances are YOU are an infidel. Let me make it clear. An infidel is ANYONE that is not a follower of Mohammed. If you're not Islam your life is not worth a thing to a Muslim. But how can we blame them? The Quran is telling them these extreme things. And the Quran is the word of God/Allah!

So you might conclude that I'm a Christian from this post. Well, I'm not. I'm an atheist. Christianity is just as irrational an Islam, Buddhism or Wicca. All religions are rather silly, but Islam is the one that is causing the world problems right now. And it’s growing like a cancer.

Muslims scare me. And not just a few Muslims here and there. The entire Middle East is filled with millions of people that think it is acceptable to cut of peoples heads, hands and feet. Islam teaches that it is ok to burry people up to their chests in the sand and throw rocks at their upper bodies until they're dead. This is Islam folks. If you don't believe me, run a Google search for "stoning to death" and see where this barbaric practice still happens. Some Muslim nations have outlawed stoning, but it still happens very day throughout those very same nations. It's just done in private. How do I know? I have seen the smuggled videotapes and watched about 6 men and women have their heads bashed apart with small rocks - for infidelity. Imagine if YOU lived in Iran. Would you be susceptible to stoning? Hmmm

I'm tired of the Muslim apologetics. Quit making excuses and start doing something about terrorism. But you won't. The reality is the root is too deeply entrenched in your culture. You can't dig this weed out because every Mosque in the Middle East is sprinkling fertilizer on the weed every day.

This world is in trouble...

John O'Connor said...

Hey John Thank you for your comment. I read portions of your blog and found it interesting. You certainly have spent a lot of time in the ME as well as KSA. That having been said I wonder what the reasons are that you feel the relations between the US and the KSA needs your help. Diplomatic processes take years to accomplish and when countries as divergent in their cultures as these 2, it may well take an even longer period of time. I find so many things about the Islamic people I can not understand that I do not know where to begin. Let me say firstly that their courts (as you point out so well in your last post in your blog) are less than good. Without the ability of the people of a nation to witness the legal system there is no justice. Secondly, the punishments meted out for these so called crimes is totally out of proportion to the crime. The previous commentator mentioned he viewed videos of the punishments and that he was sickened by them. This disparagement has been pointed out by many others before. Human rights in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries are atrocious. They give lip service to correcting abuses but never have corrected them. I have not read the Koran but have heard many things that don’t sound right. If you are a westerner and have lived all these years in the ME without seeing any strong changes why in the world are you trying to help their cause? What is the reason we need to improve our relations? What do they have to offer us? If you say it is oil, I’ll scream. It is certainly not oil for the US. It must be that we are trying to protect oil for other countries that are not strong enough in and of them selves.

The Saudi's have the best of both worlds. They have learn how to be a friend and a foe at the same time.
A good read of the 9/11 Commission Report could prove enlightning.
I feel you must have read it. All though the joint committee’s final report remained classified the New York Times reported that by most accounts the Saudi government and Saudi officials were financing Al Qaeda. Persons who have read the report said it described senior Saudi officials as having funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to charitable groups and operatives who may have helped fund the attacks. I would be happy to discuss the Zakat or hawala systems and their ways of collecting and distributing funds if you would like. However, my only real interest is to stop supporting Saudi Arabia in any way and of course yours is to encourage a stronger relationship. It still puzzles me, is it simply that you spent so many years there and made so many friends you wish we got along better.

Anonymous said...

I think his post was a hit-n-run. They are common on Blogs. It can be difficult to remember where you have posted, and his real goal was probably to get you to come see his blog and post there.