Thursday, July 14, 2005

Just another perfect day in Paradise

Well the shuttle never went and they are not sure when it will go, raining every day, and it’s hot and muggy as hell.

Cable went out for a couple of hours yesterday and I was forced to get up and do something. Can you believe it? I am currently reading a couple of books but I won’t bother telling you much about them as no one has even commented on the suggestions I made before i.e., these books are trash, or why do you read such crap? Not a word I tell you. Maybe all my friends and family don’t read, you can never tell. Or, maybe my choices are so bad they don’t want to tell me because they are being nice to me. I know that’s it, boy that’s such a load off my mind.


Anonymous said...

Actually, you read damn good books. The reality is most people don't read anything for pleasure after they finish their schooling. We're a rare breed. We may want to seek therapy. :-)

I am currently reading the following books:

The Age of Reason - Thomas Paine

Freethinkers - Susan Jacoby

Collapse - Jared Diamond

Anonymous said...

Oh, and please tell R Eaton to change his Blog so anonymous people can comment! Most people don't want to create a Blog account just to post some casual comments to a friend. This could be contributing to him not getting many responses.


"R" said...

ANYthing to lighten the load would improve your ability to think rationally. Your brain has been overloaded for years!

Anonymous said...

ahh hahaha! True!