Thursday, August 18, 2005

Chris and Tina get home today

I can't wait to hear all about their trip and I sure have missed Chris. I took care of the cat (Mangelini). Of course he had many others taking care of him also. Tin's sister Lena and one of her girl friends, Rachael and her husband John. That cat received lots of lovin this weeks. I am about to go to the airport to pick them up. Can't wait........ I have to wait...........

Tim and I went to dinner several times this week and the girls are back in school and doing well. Emily is reading like a 3 grader not a 1st grader. She certainly must get that from me......LOLOLOL

Her mom is an ardent reader and they both encourage her. She also like to imitate her big sister with everything. What a joy watching them grow up.

I hope all of you are well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much with watching the cat dad, it meant a lot to me. You know I worry about that little pooper. He is my pride and joy. I really do appreciate it more than you know.