Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Phone call from my doctor

Just received a phone call from my doctor to inform me of the results of the xrays of the ribs (negative) and the brain scan (negative). She is arranging for me to receive Radiation therpy and it will be done by an organization outside of the VA. She said, they (the radiation therpy organization) would be calling me to begin the radiation but it may be as much as a month away. That is hard for me to believe but they must not be to concerned if they wait that long. Just like me I am always looking for little signs. I can't tell you how happy this all is making me. Just talked with Chris and he said that we will go ahead with our plans to go to Ireland in the middle of June.


Footprint said...

be careful. i hear that Ireland is beautiful this time of year...

Since you are a vet, I wanted to say thank you because I love my freedom. thank you.

John O'Connor said...

May I ask who is sojouring crow????

Anonymous said...

Sojourning crow is someone that came across your Blog while surfing, and felt compelled to add his or her thoughts to one of your posts. Tis the beauty of the Internet. You can click on peoples names and read their profiles or see links to sites they frequent. The “Blogoshere” is a world of online journals and you’re now a participant. You can visit other peoples Blogs and make comments about their posts, much the same as Sojourning crow did on yours. Pretty cool, eh?

Anonymous said...

Oh, something I should add...

See the "Next Blog" link in the very top right corner? Click on that and visit some other peoples Blogs when you get a chance. Most people love when their Blog is discovered. And if you post on their Blog, there is a chance they'll post on yours.

Anonymous said...

Things to remember:

No John, you willl not glow in the dark.

Yes you will get a bit of a sunburn.

You might get a little nausia but not guaranteed.

You might get a sore throat.

Make the radiation oncologist tell you what to expect. I was bull s..ted by mine back in '69 and havr I paid for it in these later years. If I knew about the long term side effects then I could have taken steps to prevent the ostioporosis that I have now. Anyway, they zapped me with cobalt
which I understand that they don't use any more.

By the way Johnny me boy,it sounds like you have the luck of the Irish with you. Have ye seen any of the little people lately.

Uncle Cigie

John O'Connor said...

Thanks for the advice but they will use what they will use. I don't believe I have any control over that.

John O'Connor said...

Also, Jack, "top of the marnin to you ladd. Yes I talk with the wee folk all the time. You said it. I am Irish and the wee people are with me always.