Monday, April 11, 2005

Thanks to all for the witty comments

I hope you will add your comments to my daily entries if you want to. For those of you who already have......thanks...I enjoy the humor. Laughter is good for the body. Today was pretty normal, nothing exciting going on. Cleaning lady was here and I was called out by Chris who had a battery go dead in his car. They gave him a new one at the Lexus dealer because it was under warranty. My cleaning lady is complaining about my vacumm because it squeeks when she uses it. Oh well what the hell. Maybe I'll get a new one soon. Hope everyone is fine.


Anonymous said...

Yea, I was expecting to have to pay $189 for the battery. Can you imagine that much for a car battery? Dealerships rip you off. But fortunately, I was still under warranty and they gave me one for free.

And I ended up getting a free detail too, as the head of the service department is a past real estate client of mine. They'll do it this coming Monday, and they usually charge $189 for that too. So I scored!

And your cleaning lady complains about everything. I hope you haven't given her your Blog URL, because my words might offend her. She whines and complains about everything. That happens to be the reason why I don't hire her to clean my place. If you don't like your job...get a new one. We're all in charge of our own lives and she seems to think her current situation was arrived at by random chance.

John O'Connor said...

Why in the world would I ever give the cleaning lady my blog....not a chance