Tuesday, April 12, 2005

"A Brown LA Haze"

I am not moving to quickly this morning. Somedays I don't move fast and I have to be awake for a while before I am clearly focused. Actually in my case focused is not the word.... awake would be better. I seem to walk around in a "Brown Clearwater Haze" I'll be better much later today. I am going to go out and force myself to do some things that will get me going.


Anonymous said...

I think we all have our slow days. Some of us have slow months. :-) If I don't have 2 cups of coffee in the morning I'm like a zombie.

Keeping busy and active is the way to go, but don't skip your coffee! Not the typical advice I suppose, but coffee is such an enjoyable way to start the day.

John O'Connor said...

Thanks Chrissofer

Anonymous said...

A medium diet coke! That's what I need every single morning or this butt doesn't move! And then some Excedrin - for the "ouchies"! I'm not getting old - I'm not getting old! :)

John O'Connor said...

Yes you are.....yes you are.....Diana