Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Another issue dealt with!

Monday they placed 3 stints in my heart and I was home tuesday morning as though nothing had happened. I feel great and they have told me they may want to go back in and place some stints on the othe side of my heart. Thats Okay with me.
I hope all of you are doing well and don't mind my telling you about all of my issues.

Please don't hesitate to let me know how you are doing. I don't expect anyone other than my closest friends and family to be reading this blog. However, on occasion I get a comment from someone I don't know. I am sure the strangers must think I am an arrogant person to be writing of myself all the time and never dealing with any other topics.

Well for now that has been my whole life and I hope all of you haven't thought I was arrogant to talk of myself so much.


Anonymous said...

You're a nut - who cares what them strangers think - I (we) know that you aren't being arrogant! This blog is a great way to keep everyone up on your health! I'm so glad you are feeling so well! Take care Uncle Jack! I have you in my prayers!



Anonymous said...

You are SO arrogant! Your treatments, your trips, your birds. Stop talking about yourself. Everyone, you talk about JO for a change! ;-)