Friday, April 29, 2005

Politics leave me cold

Where are all the good Orators. Neither the President's speech nor the rebuttals did anything for me. It has been some time since I felt enthusiasm for a politicial point of view. I always feel someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes but they don't know how. Are they nuts or are we? I want a person who can lead and keep me routing for him at the same time. I like Bush but he leaves me cold. There is no excitement in his voice. It's almost as if he is not sure of what he is saying but he wants us to believe it. Why all the him'n and hoahing and stopping and starting? Doesn't he practice his speeches before hand? I believe I could have delivered that speech better than he did. And I believe I have more enthusiasm for the changes in Social Security than he has. And as for those who asked how is it going to be paid for? What a dumb question. Isn't that the reason for the changes in the program in the first place. The government broke it's fudiciary responsibility with the collections so far and there is no money to pay the benefits. If we put the money into Private Retirement Accounts the government can't get it's hands into our cookie jar. And the earning have a chance of being big enough to afford a proper retirement.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you have said. Bush isn't as polished of a politician as Clinton or even Bush Sr. Despite the fact that I think he is making relatively good decisions while in office, I too am left feeling cold and unimpressed. Bush proved the Democrats with so much ammunition that it is no wodner these guys are constantly attacking him.

And the proposed Social Security fix seems VERY attractive, but there is one obstacle to overcome - Democrats! No matter what Bush and his administration do the left will attack, mock and obstruct. This pisses me off quite frankly. We NEED a Social Security overhaul and Bush is the first President to step up to the plate. And his personal accounts plan would probably work. The more you get the governments hands out of our cokkie jars the more cookies left for you and I to eat. And WE baked the damn cookies and should decide, within reason, with whom we share our cookies.

I would LOVE a system that rewarded me for saving 10 - 25% of my income for retirement. We need this change.

Anonymous said...

I agree Chris! We do need to change that! I did think Laura was funny though? LOL
